
7 Tips for Safe Outdoor Holiday Decorating

7 Tips for Safe Outdoor Holiday Decorating

Tis the season for festive lights and holiday décor, and here in the Hudson Valley that means taking extra precautions to ensure both your own safety and the protection of your roof.

Follow these seven tips for ensuring your season stays merry and bright, while your roof stays safe and secure.

7 Tips for Safe Outdoor Holiday Decorating

Prevent too much weight on the roof

We’ve all seen extravagant holiday displays with large decorations set high on the roof for maximum impact. It might look whimsical, but too much weight can damage shingles and structural integrity. Aim for lightweight decorations, or simply place larger items on the front lawn.

Use a ladder, instead of walking on your roof

Not only is walking on your roof a safety hazard, especially in colder weather when it might have slick spots, but it can lead to roof damage, too. When hanging lights, safely use a ladder instead. (PS, if you want to have your roof inspected for damage from previous years, contact us!)

Avoid attaching lights to your roof

By attaching string lights to gutters or to eaves using light clips, you’ll avoid potential shingle damage. If you choose hooks, which can make it easier to restring lights the following year, look into insulated hooks to protect against electrical fires if a wire becomes frayed.

Keep safety top of mind

If the weather outside is frightful, save decorating for another day. And please keep in mind that it’s not advised to use nails, tacks, screws, or staples in holiday light hanging.

While you’re up there, clean your gutters

Dried leaves can become a fire hazard if a bulb gets too warm, and clogged gutters can cause water and ice damage to your roof. Before you begin hanging your lights, be sure to clear out any leaves and other debris you find in your gutters.

Use the right lights

Exterior lights are meant to withstand changing weather patterns. Be sure to only use exterior lights, and to test them first before hanging to make sure everything works. Another tip: Set a timer to help save a little money on your electric bill, and to reduce any risk of overnight fire hazards.

Remove lights the right way

When the holiday season is over, you might be tempted to just yank everything down, but this can not only damage wires, but also the roof and gutters. Wait until a nice, dry day to climb a ladder and gently remove your decorations.

Let’s end this year with a safe and festive holiday season, and ensure your roof is protected into the new year. Call GKontos Roofing Specialists for all of your roofing needs, or for a free estimate on services.